Monday, August 10, 2015

So how was my holidays.


I struggled 3-4 jobs. I was in a really bad job and was furious about working with such people.
But yeah, no shit given to them because I don't even see it as anything important for my future.
Why work for such a lousy company I can't even.
Shall not bring in what company it is but I'm really happy I left the part time job.

I also did have various jobs, one being in a cleaning company which pays well and I did learned how to be better in cleaning.
Whether how people see it as shameful or not. - I don't.
I don't feel shameful, I see it as a challenge, to push myself out from something I couldn't do to something I can right now.
I feel it is a privilege even to be given a chance to be paid so much and clean their homes.
When they are happy with my cleaning and praised me for being such a hardworking young girl (LOL), I'm reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happy.
It kind of made me feel I've done something out of my comfort zone- no admin jobs, no waitress, no no no.

Putting all that aside, I've earned quite a bit for my planned exchange trip next year.
I wanna go to Japan. I really do.
To see the place where I love when I was a little girl.
Tamagotchi, wait for me T_T.
Chio bu(s), wait for me T_T.
I'll be super nervous when I reached there I'm sure. hahahahah.
But I pray it will all turn out well for everyone.

Anyway, I got my timetable for my coming year 3 sem 1.
Crap. I couldn't get into business finance!
I really wanna clear my business mod ASAP omg let me have my way for once can????
Why must the admin break my happiness chain wtf.
I already got quite a number of stuff to worry about and the admin must be like hahahahaah lai give you another.
I got slap in the face man.
Gonna pray so hard so I could get in to the business mod of my choice and plzzzzz let things be good :'(

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