Monday, August 10, 2015

2 Book Reviews

Holla I'm back again.
My summer holidays are coming to an end - sadly; because I didn't have much time to read a lot of books I wanted to immerse on.
I'm done with "Under The Dome" by Stephen King and "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro.
I rated 2 stars for the former and 5 stars for the latter.
Let me explain why. (Spoilers ahead. I already put a disclaimer, if anyone did ever read my pathetic blog.)

1) Under The Dome

This book is definitely a really heavy one I would say.
Comprises of around 800+ close to 900 pages.
The author starts off pretty well, or rather.. it got me going.
I enjoyed the start as he slowly brought in the tragedies when the dome struck down and introduces the characters.
The way Stephen King wrote about the characters definitely is fantastic, because along the way he definitely got me really annoyed and fed up with some characters. He "crafted" and fitted the characters' personalities well into the story.
However, halfway through the book I got really bored.
He whines away about many things and really kind of makes me feel no one is driving the bus anymore.
No direction halfway through, would it be because of the preparation of a deep plot?
That's what I thought but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
The reason of how the dome struck down is quite stupid in my opinion.
The reason on WHO is behind it is also quite hard to swallow and this was generally pointed out in other reviews by others as well.
Still, I like how he put his "moral of the story" point - about how human life can be actually so small when we humans always do think of ourselves as the central importance among all other lifeforms.
But - even when I do like that part, I still think THAT PART wasn't brought in nicely and wrap up in a good closure.
The ending was horrible for me, it left me thinking - what. is. this. shit.
Well yeah and there's the part where he put some scriptures in and deliberately made the characters misinterpret the context of it. - I kind of like how he made me feel how people could ever been so wrong about religion. (I won't discuss further about this)
All in all, I wasted my time reading this.
There are certainly some good in this book, it was O-K-A-Y but it could've been better.
I wanted to give 3 stars but nah, 2 instead.

2) Never Let Me Go

I never thought this book was a Dystopian Sci-fi genre. Really guys.
And I never would have thought this book had actually turned into a movie... way back in year 2010.
I only found out after I brought this book to my job assignment and my colleague was like "OMG I watched the movie!"
I'm so #@$%& slow.
Anyway, when I started reading it, I had lots of question marks.
Like what donations? Don't they have parents? Why do they have to be creative?
Ah, then halfway down the book the author gave the greatest hint of all - Human clones.
Now the talk about human cloning. Whenever the subject of cloning is brought up, I only have "Dolly the Sheep" in my mind. LOL.
I had ever been in a big discussion in my class during my Junior College days - about where should the line be drawn between scientific research and "playing God".
Talks about cloning didn't felt real to me much until this book.
So when I read this book and found out that this author had written about cloning, I'm intrigued.
I love reading or listening in about bio-ethical issues or even some hint of it.
Maybe I am slow to not be introduced to more better books than this or so.
But I certainly am loving this book.
The author wrote this book totally in Kathy.H's perspective or the clone's view if I have to say.
It definitely did stirred empathy and pity in me.
The idea of how short human life can be and how important is it to do what we all for once, love to do.
How precious simple memories to our point of view may be nothing to us but actually be so great and precious to them because of their impending death.
The author ended the story well. The book is easy to read as it contains simple words.
I reckon that my favorites in this book would be the conversation between Miss Emily, Madame, Tommy and Kathy, and also... the ending.
The informal way to describe how I felt about this book would be "the feels damn strong in here man."
So tadah, 5 stars for this book. I love it.

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