Monday, April 6, 2015


How embarrassing reallyyyyyyyyyy!!
I had my presentation for my module (mastering communications) today.
Actually our group was supposed to be the first to present, but yeah you can never reach on time for 8.30am lessons. The LRT always had to screw things up.
So, we ended up the second to present.
When I was presenting, my prof kept knocking on the table so loudly to warn me that my 5 minute mark is over.
I gotten so panicky that I had forgotten what I had to say..
Its really a pity especially when the important points I didn't mentioned at all.
I understood that it was wrong of me to overshot my timing, but I just feel she shouldn't keep knocking omg I'm rushing off my points already...
My friends and I felt really unfair?
Because in the first group , there were some who overshot the 5 minute mark.. and the prof didn't warn them. Esp one of them showed snippets of 3 videos and elaborate so well. While I just showed 1 video, and what... the video time was included in my 5 minute mark?
It was clearly stated it should not be included. Of course excluding the video itself, I overshot a little..

We don't have anything against the first group.
Really.. the prof had to rush us to make us panicky, and of course those who were rushed, usually can't present well because of the sudden nervousness.
I stuttered and just end off like this because she knock so loudly.
I'm sorry I overshot really but ... I think such actions could have been done once and it will be enough to give us the indication that we have overshot.

Sigh, cross fingers.
I don't think I will do well for this module. I even did quite badly for my assignment 1.
Everything is such a disappointment.
Not forgetting my bioimaging lab report that I had to submit soon..
Those microscope images were all over-saturated and blurry when our teaching assistant said it was okay..
Even when I asked whether they are over-saturated, she claimed that it is normal and no over-saturation..
TA how could you, we all trusted you.. oh god.. I'm screwing up all the graded stuff.
Lately, I've been feeling rather sad over my mistakes. I'm really dumb.
Now I had to rush for my 3k assignment on RNA interference.
Probably because of today's horrible presentation, I do feel a bit demoralized in continuing my work..
No manga(s)/ manhwa could even cheered me up today.
However, after a phone call with yve, my heart don't feel that heavy anymore.
Sigh, thank you buddy.
So yep.. TIFU -Today I f up.

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