Saturday, May 30, 2015

Thank God for books.

Hi I am finally back after so long.
Exams ended and I'm already reaching the completion of my first month holidays out of... 3? Until 11 august.
There was a lot of things I want to type down here.
First off, during my first week of holidays.. all of my laptops crashed. First was my asus laptop. Then my small netbook.
I was happily playing 'The Sims 4' , 'Ozworld' and 'Blade and Soul' and tadahhh my laptop went to a coma and never woke up.
Then came my netbook with its keyboard problems and I ended up couldn't start it up.
So yes, I have no more computers to call upon my own.
So saddddddddddddddddd. I mean I'm already a hermit. Without a pc is like every hermits' nightmare.
I still have my big bro's macbook and finished my psychopass season 2 finally. It is really good.
Then to keep my boredom away - I read books.
I finally finished 'Animal Farm'. Gonna return to Afiq soon.
The book relates really well with some politicians and I got to say... using pigs as an example is definitely a good play.
Then I picked up 'I Am Pilgrim'. Honestly I do heard of the hype and decided to try.
At first I didn't thought well of this book. I guess it was because it was still picking up the bits and pieces and finally lands the reader to a huge blow.
And yeah I got blown away at the later part.
I was dragging and really tried to enjoyed the first few parts then later I started picking up the pace.
I noticed in myself I was engrossed. I could sit down for hours reading till the end.
I have so much feels for the main antagonist and protagonist. It's emotional I don't know why, the author carved the whole plot really well.
At the end, the feeling was like you just finished a really epic anime/manga/book that you just felt that your life is over already.

I wanna pick up more interesting reads. Gonna try to scan at the library tomorrow to find one book to read.

And also, I suck at drawing. Period.

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