Sunday, September 22, 2013


19 september.:
Had an awesome celebration with my boyfriend on my birthday.
So he surprised me at my door step at the night before 19th.. with a cake.
I'm like really happy.. because he's my first boyfriend to ever celebrate this special day. :')
After eating the cake, I cooked soup for him since he haven't ate dinner.
Countdown for my birthday and he passed me a present. It's a Garnet heart pendant. No diamonds no bloodshed :*
So on my birthday we celebrated at tonkichi restaurant at orchard central. So yummy!

My birthday cake (: pretty damaged since Mark came here with his bike. Still.. its cute! :)

20th September
Met Mark around at 8pm and head down to parkway lane around goodwood park for couzzie advance birthday party. Get to see sera, del, Momo, Ryan, tommy and eunice!! Been soooo long since I saw them. I miss them so much.):
Talked awhile then mark and I went to newton to eat supper, went home after that.

The ultimate gay boy faces I give. Can't stop won't stop.

21st September
Dinner with my family for my belated birthday celebration since my mom was at China.
So we dined at Changi safra, eat until damn full.
Later on, Ryan came to my place and they are still playing GTA 5 hahahahah.

Geoduck, hefty price... but its yummy. T_T
Feel guilty that my mommy ordered that..
I went red and felt really warm after eating that... (wiki says it increases *** hormones.... BUT SHUT UP LOL)

From couzzie, its really cute <3 

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