Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Late at night.

Oh hai.
I.. can't sleep.
Felt hungry so I decided to cook instant noods again, and yes I have instant noods for lunch as well.
But I think its okay because I got too much hair to sacrifice. (LOL)
Lately I'm feeling the pinch because I'm running out of cash.
Most of the expenditure is on FOOD.. AND NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ELSE.
(Perhaps transport? but I don't think its the main reason probably because my card is still on student fare  since I changed back last year june since I repeated my J2)
And I never receive any pocket money from my parents, I told them not to give.. well because I just prefer spending what I earned.
I quit my telemarketing job, just too stressful and it has been really frustrating for months.
No politics but more of not achieving what my agent wants.
So yeah! freedom, cha has freedom.. to read mangas and slack like a sloth.
These few days I've been rolling around my house, eating and snacking, sleeping most of the time and reading mangas.
Right now I'm reading 'Love so life', hahahaha damn cute Aoi and Akane! <3
I love kids like them.. but sometimes I hate kids esp the extremely noisy ones.

I know that my blog doesn't have any photos of myself except the recent upload of my blogger profile photo.
So as a girl in her puberty (shuddap I'm crapping and I know you all don't give a shit.), will thus.. camwhore with webcam.

Yes, this is my guai lan face, laugh all you want. (IDGAS)

With ma noods.
With ma cup. 

Have to do this pose, handsome prince for years and whom just forgotten her own sexuality.

You're very welcome to judge.

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